Marlins “Land” a win @home vs Kings Landing

The Marlins landed a much needed win Saturday hosting Kings Landing.  After a long dry spell, the Marlins chalked up a “W” with outstanding swims by several Marlins.  Triple winners were Jair Jackson (Boys 15-18 Butterfly, Breastroke and IM) and Sachi Reeves (Girls 9-10 Freestyle, Breaststroke and IM).  Jair broke his own breaststroke team and pool records with a time of 31.71.  Double winners were Braxton Darif, Sarah Mima, Dillion Middlebusher and Amiyah Guerra. Congratulations to the Marlin swimmers and coaches!

Congratulations and a big thank you to the 2022 Marlins Swim-outs.. Raven Rice, Emily Olson, Jair Jackson, Aiden Shearin-Myers, Katrina and Melinda Kern, Sarah Mima, and Grayce Cooper.

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